Sunday, September 16, 2007

Good Friends

I know it can't be said enough how important good friends are to have in your life. Friends come in all shape and sizes. There are the fair-weather friends who are great until the going gets rough. Then there are the casual friends, who are great to hang out with, but it is total surface level friendship. The most important are those that know the blackest parts of your past and love you anyway! These are a select and special group who really deserve the title "friend".

It is very rare to find this type of person. I have been priviliged to have discovered a few. I have always cherished my friends in the blog world. They listen and encourage and love me for who I am. But in the everyday world, it is harder to find. Maybe it is the anonimity that lends itself to the friendship; thereby limiting the strain upon relationships. I have never claimed to be without fault. I have made stupid choices in my life. Some I have regreted, others I have not. For each mistake, I think I have gained some knowledge about life, love, and happiness. Unfortunately, some of my posts have had an adverse affect upon my family. To them, I apologize. To the bitches who have used my blog as an opportunity to harm my family I say, "Fuck off"!

I am lucky to have the blogosphere family. With you, I am not alone. And for that fact alone, I am lucky!


Sideon said...

And this friend (the fabulously gay one who scares Mormon (and Baptist) housewives) is so very proud to be your friend, blog or no blog.

To the asshats who have difficulty understanding privacy and personal space, I invite them to follow in the teachings of the One True Diva (Cher), when she said:

"Follow THIS, you bitches."

Sister Mary Lisa said...

We're here for you, AG.